Monday, February 18, 2013

My First Blog!

Hey everyone,

This is my first blog post so bear with me while I get used to this, and as I continue to write my blog I'm sure things will start to become easier.

Yes, I've always wanted to write a blog, especially one concerning my challenges and successes in regards to competing and now with my signing of Nutrabolics, its given me the kick in my pants in the right direction to start one ! :)

On here I will discuss my diet along with the mental struggles and craving that I have. The workouts, what I love most about my training session and what I enjoy the least. The cardio, I admit I may be a little bit of a cardio bunny but even for me the cardio gets long. Lastly, the physical and mental way I feel.

Its officially 10 weeks out from the WBFF Montreal Pro Am and right now I'm at 14.4 % body fat and I feel great ! I feel lean and comfortable in my own skin. I love the looks I'm getting in the gym, the ones where girls and boys watch as I lift. Yet at work when clothed in my scrubs my nickname is "Tiny" Lady in the streets but a freak in the gym :)  This way I can still feel feminine and "Beastly" at the same time.

I can honestly say I am one of the luckiest competitors out there, as my coach is my other half. True, doing this can have its downside like he always knows when I miss something or if I cannot understand something its a lot easier to get mad at him than a random coach. but on the positive side, he knows how I think, he knows what I'm capable of and how to push me to my limits. He also knows how I've previously trained so he knows how to keep it new and fresh with me. My diet can change based upon what works for me as he knows how my body reacts differently to different foods. Lastly, he's always around to train me, feed me and keeps me on my toes.

The diet, right now I'm eating every 2-3 hours approximately 1500 calories and leaning out at a steady rate. as the competition date gets closer I will decrease in both calories and carbs. My diet changes every 4 weeks at this point but it can change quicker if the diet isn't working properly with my body.

As to my workouts right now I'm in the hypertrophy phase. sets of 3 with 8-12 reps. I'm loving it ! I prefer it much more than the building phase I was previously in (6x6 of 6 sets) to me it just felt heavy and long.  I'm also noticing more changes occurring with this workout as I'm leaning out so the muscles that I had and added to in the building phase are becoming more visible :)

This is my lifestyle, my life, I love and am completely passionate about fitness. I can honestly say that I'm truly blessed to find myself so surrounded in such an amazing place, I will keep you posted weelky,

Yours truly,


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